Fragment of Desire, Sika Gallery, 12 Oktober-12 November 2021

We are a creature of growth. We will keep on becoming; always trying to fulfil the urges that drive us from the inside. These desires become one of the forces that moves us. And as we are also a creature of commune, the desires we have are strongly linked to our surroundings; affecting one another. The various of things that we long for, the fragments of desires that we have, are paramount to our life.
Our culture are expressions of our desires; remove this exponent from the equation and the life as we know it would cease to exist. From time to time, the values we found in life come from the desires of things and experiences that we have hoped to exist and feel. Just as time would continue to turn, our desires would never come to end; it grows unless fulfilled and satisfied or satisfied through our physical and or psychological evolution.
The exhibition of “Fragments of Desires” is a presentation by the artist I Made Palguna in depicting the inner wants, wishes, and passions that we long for, what we crave for in life. By observing his surroundings and himself, Palguna noticed that these urges in us have become domineering itches for many during the demanding time that we went through during the first year of the pandemic. Most especially, the artist sees that the isolation experienced have pulled arise into our consciousness the desires of simple things, routines that often went unnoticed in our normality.
The presentation takes us into a journey through a visual diary that were drawn in the artist’s studio during the pandemic period. Visuals drawn up through lines, and others combined with blocks of colours create ambiences, environments, and postures that loop into memories of experiences that Palguna distinguished in himself and others he observed. A diary that would not only brings an understanding of the artist’s artistic explorations and emotional experiences, but also bears a pathway to memories of ourselves that would lead to, perhaps, understanding what we truly desire in life; the click click clack, and tick tock tick. The compositions captured in two-dimensional (on papers and canvases) and three-dimensional (resin sculptures) works set pieces of emotions that we found ourselves in during our quarantined days.
*Out from the Rabbit Hole*
As the pandemic continued to roll, our consciousness began to be bombarded by uncertainty. We were, possibly still are, in a frame of limbo. Down far in our quarters and pushed hard towards the edge, our desires were stricken with limitations. Restricted to a squared boxed life and narrowed to isolation, we were caught to process our desires in ways that we have never found ourselves in. Thus, such as in many other important moments in our lives, this experience we all have went through have brought us to a point where we come to mark the illustrious things in life. Such is how Palguna have come to define the moment in the environment we were all in.
There are times in our lives that we asked, “Is this the place that I want to be?” More or less that question comes out during the distress that we went through in the lock-down. The answer that follows is given force by the desire(s) we have for life. This desire(s) comes from the thought process of evaluating the current moment and the past time. Thus, we found a way to simplify the chaos and bring ourself more at home in our own galaxy.
Palguna felt himself more at home in his galaxy; in the system, the structure he sees life (macrocosm) as and mimic it into his life (microcosm).